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Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Essential Steps To Take This Winter To Prevent Waterpipes From Freezing


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Source: Cincinnati Insurance Company

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Essential Steps To Take This Winter To Prevent Waterpipes From Freezing

Homeowners -- There’s something critical that needs your attention during periods of severe cold weather – your home’s waterpipes! Learning how to keep waterpipes from freezing is one of those essential homeowner skills you need to consider and not overlook.

It is essential to prevent waterpipes from freezing because when water freezes, it expands, which can cause pipes to burst—flooding your basement, floors, ruining your drywall, and costing thousands of dollars in repairs. In fact, it is estimated that the average residential insurance claim for damage from a frozen pipe is approximately $18,000, according to its analysis of five years of winter claims data.

Take care of this task before the temperature drops, just in case. Here are the steps to take to keep waterpipes from freezing.

  •  Step 1: How to drain your pipes

First things first: Get the water in your pipes out! To do that, you’ll want to tackle all the water lines leading to your garden hose, sprinkler, and pool. After you shut off the water valves, open the spigots to let any remaining water drip out.

  • Step 2: Insulate exposed piping

Ensure any waterpipes in unheated or uninsulated areas, like your attic, basement, or crawl space are insulated with insulation sleeves or wrapping.  Close your crawl space vents around your foundation.

  • Step 3: Open cabinet doors

Once you reach that time of year when freezing temperatures are the norm, even your indoor waterpipes may need some extra protection. And one easy way to do that is to open any bathroom or kitchen cabinet doors that house plumbing.

It may not pretty when leaving the space beneath your sink exposed, but the improved airflow keeps your waterpipes toastier than if these doors were shut.

  • Step 4: Let it drip, drip, drip

Another pipe-saving tip: When temperatures drop to below freezing, let your faucets drip. The Red Cross concurs that running water through the pipe—even at a trickle—helps prevent pipes from freezing.

Letting cold water drip from the faucet helps relieve any pressure building from ice inside a pipe.

  • Step 5: Shut off the water completely

During holiday travels or winter vacations, take the extra measure to turn off your home’s water completely. Unused water sitting in waterpipes is likely to freeze, meaning that you could come home to a busted pipe and total mess. Why take the risk?