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Sunday, March 1, 2015
Volunteer Fire Company Assists Other Volunteers in Need


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Over the past few weeks of persistent inclement weather conditions within the fire district of Indian River,  many members wanted to lead a “helping hand” to others in need, especially the elder members of the volunteer fire service and ladies auxiliary.

While serving in the volunteer fire service, we have met some of the best men and women we have ever known. But we all have watched, as we slowly lose and allow our compassion to erode and wanted to restore some good faith, camaraderie, and brotherhood by assisting other volunteers during their times of need.

These good faith acts included:

• Snow removal for volunteer ladies auxiliary and volunteer fire company members who underwent recent surgery and are home rehabilitating; 

• Monitoring and checking on elder members of the ladies auxiliary and volunteer fire service with special emphasis to evaluate household conditions, frozen pipes, working smoke detectors, etc., and

• Monitoring and checking on fire station facilities to evaluate any conditions frozen pipes, working heating systems, snow removal efforts, etc.

These members began by shoveling and clearing safe passage way for a volunteer firefighter returning home from foot surgery; and assisting with thawing out frozen residential water pipes when temperatures dipped below zero degrees. Additionally, the volunteer firefighters kept clear the fire company aprons for emergency apparatus to depart and return; as well as; cleared driveways and walkways of other volunteer fire company personnel.

Illustrated herewith are examples of the workmanship.