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Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Nana’s Kids Campaign 2013 – Community Remembers Dorothy Gudger by continuing the tradition of giving…


Carol Taylor

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Carol Taylor

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Nana's Kids Campaign 2013

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County Bank Check Presentation - Carmen Windsor, Leolga Wright, Millie Charnick, Pam Shockley, Carol Taylor & Patrick Miller

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Nana’s Kids Campaign 2013 – Community Remembers Dorothy Gudger by continuing the tradition of giving…

On Wednesday, December 4th, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company hosted the 2nd Annual Nana’s Kids Campaign donation unveiling event.

Carol Taylor of Leesburg, Virginia made the annual trek to Oak Orchard to attend Indian River Volunteer Fire Company and offered the following words…

“Good Evening and thanks so much for having me back again this year.

My name is Carol Taylor and last year I was blessed to have the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company and its partners rename the annual warm clothing and toy drive to honor my mother, Dottie Gudger. Her life was tragically taken in November of 2011, and I know this annual tribute would make her so proud. I am here tonight to present on behalf of my family and friends our 2nd Annual Nana’s Kids Campaign Donations.

My sister and I live out of state, but spent most of our childhood weekends here in Millsboro. Our parents move here permanently when we were in college, so we then called Millsboro home. Most of you never knew my mother, but she was a great person who really did love this community. She saw the good in everyone, especially those that she gave a hard time. She believed that community service is what makes a community stronger.

The IRVFC Toy Drive was her favorite charity project. My mother felt very strongly about supporting the kids in the community. She would painstakingly shop all year for great deals on great toys and clothes. After her untimely death, my sister and I pledged to carry on her tradition.

In preparation for the launch of this year’s Nana’s Kids Campaign, we asked a bunch of the children to list out three items they were hoping to receive this year in order to help cover specific needs and wants. Now, I have two children who LOVE me, I mean they LOVE me; however, if given the opportunity to name three things they wish they had -- I don’t think they would ask for a gift from me, but several of the Nana’s Kids recipients did. The children that the Nana’s Kids Campaign aids are the future of this community; and they are the future of Sussex County.

What you see behind me is my mother’s legacy – kindness, generosity and love of her community. It’s truly amazing to look at all the donations. My sister and I are so thankful to our friends and family for once again standing beside us. Most non-profits have reported this year that donations are down. While we thought donations would certainly be reduced in our 2nd year, I couldn’t be happier to report that we in fact have taken in more donations that we did last year, with donations still expected to come in over the next couple weeks. I have to sincerely thank my incredible friends and family, as well as the Oakton Baptist Church for their Nana’s Kids Tree. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the collaborating partners – the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company, County Bank, the Boys & Girls Club of Oak Orchard, the Community Church of Oak Orchard, Rogers Signs, and the Nanticoke Indian Association. I also need to acknowledge Millie Charnick of the Boys & Girls Club and Patrick Miller for all their behind the scene work and for facilitating this Campaign. Where most of my work is now done, Millie and Patrick’s work is just beginning.

So… on behalf of my sister, Teresa Gudger and our family and friends, I am honored to present these toys and warm clothing you see behind me to the Nana’s Kids Campaign with a value of more than $7,000 … in addition I would like to present Patrick a check for the amount we received in monetary contributions of over $5,600 bringing our 2013 total to Nana’s Kids Campaign of over $12,600 dollars. The money and toys go directly to this community and the kids of the Long Neck / Oak Orchard area. I am beyond excited to tell you that in two years our total donations top $25,000 – who would have thought that my hair brained idea would have garnered so much love and support.

It is only December 4th, so the local community still has time to support our Campaign. County Bank, the Boys & Girls Club of Oak Orchard-Riverdale, and the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company are all drop off locations for donations.

Beyonce has a song called “I was here..” there are lyrics that say….

“The hearts I have touched, will be the proof that I leave

That I made a difference, and this world will see…. I was here”

While my mother may never be remembered for what she did while living, my hope is that through the Nana’s Kids Campaign, people don’t forget what she stood for, and they remember to be kind. We can all still make a difference.

Thanks so much for your time and Happy Holidays.”

Additional information may be obtained by viewing the following web pages:

Nana’s Kid Campaign: Community remembers Dorothy Gudger

The Nana’s Kids Campaign 2013 continues to accept donations of all kinds to continue this tradition of giving and putting smiles on children’s in memory of Nana.

You may make community contributions at any of the community partners – County Bank – Long Neck Branch; Boys & Girls Club of Oak Orchard-Riverdale; and/or Indian River Volunteer Fire Company.

You may make financial donations via Indian River’s web site and paypal links --