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Saturday, May 5, 2012
Vehicle Rescue & Extrication Training - Station #1 - Oak Orchard


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Saturday May 5, 2012

Nature: Vehicle Rescue & Extrication Training

Location: Station #1 – Oak Orchard Road

On Saturday morning, May 5th, junior firefighter volunteers of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company received specialized hands-on training for vehicle rescue and extrication techniques and various other topics as the department continues to ameliorate its vehicle extrication activities and responsibilities.

The training procedure concentrated on “getting acquainted with tools and familiarization tactics” for vehicle rescue and stabilization, vehicle access points and techniques, door pops, window glass and roof removals scenarios using junk vehicles donated by Fitzgerald Salvage & Recycling of Ellendale, Delaware.

Every firefighter received hands-on training using a variety of hand tools, cribbing, struts, and hydraulic equipment in scenarios that simulated real emergency situations and vehicles that were severely damaged.

This training is a continual effort that began several years ago as the department prepares to enhance the services it provides our fire district.

This specialized training awareness allows the volunteer firefighters to subsequently train and familiarize junior members of the company on safe vehicle stabilization and patient extrication procedures.

Every firefighter must learn where to cut, what to cut, how to cut, and what not to touch because there are so many features and enhanced technology in newer vehicles, some of the information is vehicle type specific.

The training costs were minimized by Fitzgerald Salvage & Recycling allowing us to use their junk vehicles from their facility which saved the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company money on both vehicles and set-up costs.

This instructional agenda was intended to review the basics based upon designed skill sets for Junior Firefighters.

These activities included:

 ◊ Terminology and Information relevant to vehicle manufacture;

◊ Information regarding Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS) (airbags);

◊ Information and techniques regarding patient considerations;

◊ Information regarding operational strategy and tactics;

◊ Information and practices for scene safety;

◊ Information and practices for vehicle stabilization;

◊ Overview, information and hands-on experience with extrication tools and related equipment; and

◊ Overview, information and hands-on experience with basic extrication techniques.

These events were coordinated via Training Officer Ryan Mock, Membership Chairperson Joseph Thompson; and Hayden Klingler.