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Sunday, February 19, 2012
Annual Breakfast & Dinner Preparation Commences - Oak Orchard


Ladies Auxiliary President takes inventory.

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  Date:  Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nature:  Annual Breakfast & Dinner Preparation Commences

On Sunday, February 19th, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company commenced with its annual preparation of the various duties, responsibilities and tasks in order to prepare for the upcoming buffet breakfasts, chicken dumpling dinners, pancake supper and various other fundraising events.

This annual effort included a comprehensive cleaning of the various ovens, stoves, and stainless steel polishing in preparation for the upcoming events.

These members power washed and polished must of the kitchen equipment in order to ensure overall cleanliness of the kitchen facilities.

This activity is in preparation of the upcoming events, such as:

(1)  Pancake Supper – February 21, 2012;

(2)  Chicken & Dumpling Dinners on the below specified dates:

March 24, 2012

May 19, 2012

June 23, 2012

September 22, 2012

October 27, 2012 

(3)  Buffet Breakfast Events on the below specified dates:

April 15th, 2012

Mother’s Day – May 13th, 2012

Father’s Day – June 17th, 2012

July 8th, 2012

August 12th, 2012

September 9th, 2012

October 14th, 2012