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Monday, July 23, 2018
Advanced Extrication & Heavy Rescue Training


Advanced Extrications - Training Props

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Advanced Extrications - Training Props

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Advanced Extrications - Training Props

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Advanced Extrications - Training Props

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Advanced Extrications - Training Props

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Advanced Extrications - Training Props

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Advanced Extrication & Heavy Rescue Training – South Jersey

 Over the past few days, the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company with a cadre of firefighter first responders participated in an advanced vehicle extrication and heavy rescue course which included the following curriculum in this accelerated 30-hour course:

(1)          Orientation: Introductions, etc.

(2)          Vehicle Construction: In this segment instructors cover vehicle construction features unique to tractor trailers, cement trucks, box trucks and other large vehicles. Body structure, and frame construction are covered in detail.

(3)          Advanced stabilization: This segment covers the various stabilization tools and equipment relevant to heavy rescue and advanced vehicle rescue. Marring, stabilizing and lifting with airbags, struts and cribbing are all covered.

(4)          Lifting techniques for heavy rescues: Lifting with struts, airbags and other equipment is covered in this section. With an emphasis on predicting load movement and chasing this is one of the most important portions of the course. 

(5)          Working with heavy wreckers: Working with heavy wreckers /rotators is an important part of many heavy rescue assignments.

(6)          Advanced Techniques: Instructors will cover Dash Displacement Alternatives, Vehicles Roof and Side resting, stacked vehicles, under-rides, advanced side Impact, and other various other probable advanced scenarios. Working with pinned and hard to reach vehicles is also covered in this module.

(7)          Mass Causality incidents: School and touring bus incident can create unique challenges for rescuers. In this segment instructors will cover triage, and mitigation of MCI’s. During this module scenario-based training will be used to exercise realistic incident management and assignment execution.

(8)          Hands on Extrication: These participants will have plenty of time to practice all of the evolutions discussed in class. Large vehicles such as tractor trailers, cement & dump trucks, and passenger cars in advanced scenarios will be available. Heavy lifting and other technician level skills will be practiced. Instructors are also encouraged to try any new ideas or evolutions. During this segment of the training, participants will use the latest in hydraulic tools, stabilization equipment, and hand tools.

This course was attended by firefighters from all over Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Canada. Crews were faced with several scenarios challenging their skills and pushing their knowledge beyond the everyday normal.