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Monday, May 4, 2009
Delaware Bans Most Open Fires to Combat Pollution - State of Delaware


Effective immediately, open burning will be snuffed out across Delaware as of 05/01/09, under pollution control regulations aimed at reducing the amount of ozone and smog in the air during hot summer days. Nearly all burning is prohibited between May 1 and Sept. 30 with the exception of cooking fires, recreational campfires and ceremonial fires. "Public health concerns are the reasons for the burning restrictions," said Valerie Gray, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control air quality program manager. "The expanded restrictions are necessary to help reduce ozone levels throughout the state." All three Delaware counties now fail to meet national air-quality standards for ozone, a respiratory irritant that forms when pollutants "cook" in the air on sunny, hot days with little wind. Ozone and smoke from burning can bring on asthma attacks and other respiratory and health problems. Kurt Reuther, DNREC enforcement section chief, said environmental protection officers will cite open-burning violators. Those ticketed risk penalties ranging from $50 to $500 plus a criminal record. To report illegal open burning, call the 24-hour hot line in Delaware at (800) 662-8802. Verizon cell-phone users in Delaware can call #DNR toll-free. Details on the open-burning regulation are available at