Photo Gallery

Saturday, August 20, 2005
R. Clarke Brittingham Benefit - Station 1, Oak Orchard Rd


The Welcoming Committee

Views: 495

The Welcoming Committee

Views: 446

The Welcoming Committee

Views: 412

Silent Auction Items

Views: 385

The Early Crowd

Views: 415

Standby Crew From Slaughter Beach

Views: 489

Mike Bowden Checks The Desserts

Views: 378

The Food Line

Views: 393

Enjoying The Dinner

Views: 389

The Food Line

Views: 398

Regular Auction Items

Views: 386

After Dinner Conversation

Views: 385

Keeper Of The Stars

Views: 348

Liquid Refreshment Center

Views: 411

Surprise Musical Guest

Views: 391

Surprise Musical Guest

Views: 330

Drawing Door Prizes

Views: 368

More Conversation

Views: 400

Surprise Musical Guest

Views: 387

Surprise Musical Guest

Views: 359

Drawing Door Prizes

Views: 365

The Auction

Views: 369

The Auction

Views: 354

On Saturday, August 20, a Beef & Beverage Benefit was held at our Station 1 to assist R. Clarke Brittingham, one of our members who is terminally ill. About 200 people enjoyed the fine food, drinks, and entertainment. Music was provided by Keeper Of The Stars and a surprise musical guest performed. A silent auction was conducted during dinner. A live auction followed with an auctioneer from Three Seasons Auctions. A standby fire crew was provided by Memorial Fire Company of Slaughter Beach. The members of the Indian River Volunteer Fire Company would like to thank all of the area residents and businesses whose donations made this benefit a success.